In the constant pursuit of efficiency and speed, we have devised various modes of transportation that keep life in motion. Two common forms of travel, flying and driving, constantly come under scrutiny regarding their comparative safety. A detailed assessment of these forms of transport is vital to comprehend whether one mode is statistically safer than the other.

In this blog, a statistical examination will be done, focusing on comprehensive safety data, the intrinsic factors contributing to risks, and the efficacy of regulations aimed at safeguarding travelers.

Is it true that flying is safer than driving?

Based on statistics, flying is considerably safer than driving. Here’s a breakdown of the data:


According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), there was only one accident resulting in one or more fatalities for every 7.7 million flights in 2021. This equates to a fatality risk of 0.23 per billion passenger-kilometers. In contrast, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that the likelihood of dying in a car crash in the US is approximately 1 in 107.


This means that, on average, you would need to fly every day for over 10,000 years to be involved in a fatal plane crash. The risk of dying in a car crash is roughly 200,000 times higher than dying in a plane crash.

Additional factors:

The aviation industry adheres to strict regulations and safety protocols, including rigorous pilot training, thorough aircraft maintenance, and comprehensive safety systems. Technological advancements also play a crucial role in enhancing the safety of air travel.


While commercial flights boast impressive safety records, it’s important to note that private planes and charter flights might carry slightly higher risks. Additionally, the distance traveled plays a role, as on short trips, driving might be statistically safer due to the inherent risks of takeoff and landing.

Statistical Examination of Travel Safety

Starting with the basic concept of travel forms an integral part of human existence. Two mainstream modes of transport dominate this realm: the automobile, symbolizing land-based travel, and the airplane, epitomizing air travel. Understanding their safety records is crucial for informed decision-making and to eventually advance the domains of automotive and aviation safety.

Historical data indicate that air travel is statistically safer than car travel. According to the National Safety Council’s (NSC) data, the odds of dying in a motor vehicle crash in a year is about 1 in 107, drastically higher than the slim odds of 1 in 9,821 for air travel. This discrepancy grows when considering lifetime odds, illustrating the wider safety net encompassing air travel.

Yet, it is essential to consider the relative frequency of the two modes. Car travel is more ubiquitous, seeing daily use for a wide range of tasks compared to air travel, thus inflating accident statistics. Consequently, while raw data point to higher car accident rates, frequency of use plays a significant role in these figures.

Next, examining the seriousness of accidents, data unveils that airplane accidents, although rare, often result in multiple fatalities, creating a perception of extreme danger. In contrast, car accidents, while more frequent, usually involve fewer fatalities per incident. However, the cumulative death toll from car accidents far outweighs that from plane crashes, underscoring the deceptive nature of this perception.

Historical data also helps examine technological progress in these sectors. The long-term records reveal a progressive decrease in fatal accidents in both fields, reflecting continuous safety improvements. Airplane design and technology have experienced evolutionary advances over the years, making flights more reliable. Systems such as the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) and Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) significantly improve air travel safety.

Similarly, automobiles have become safer over the years, with seat belts, airbags, and various safety technologies significantly reducing accident fatality rates. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS), Electronic stability control (ESC), and more recently, Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) have revolutionized car safety.

Understanding Risk Factors in Travel Safety

Predominantly, human error surfaces as a crucial risk factor in both modes of travel. In the realm of air travel, pilot error, often stemming from a combination of fatigue, misjudgment, and inexperience, can result in potentially catastrophic outcomes. Notably, according to the Aircraft Crashes Record Office, 60% of all airplane accidents are caused by human error.

Similarly, in vehicular travel, driver error, induced by drowsiness, distraction, intoxication, or reckless driving, accounts for a staggering percentage of accidents. It is noted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that over 90% of car accidents are due to driver’s error. Consequently, this underscores the significance of maintainable human focus and training in minimizing risk in both air and car travel.

The reliability of the vehicles and their parts is another risk-carrying element influencing both modes of travel. In the spectrum of air travel, mechanical failures, faulty systems, or erroneous part design can result in serious mishaps, often with fatal consequences.

In contrast, vehicle reliability problems in road travel, such as tire blowouts, brake failures, or engine malfunctions, may also result in accidents. Both scenarios underpin the necessity of regular maintenance checks and inspections to ensure the safety and integrity of the vehicles used in air and road travel.

Lastly, it is undeniable that operating conditions wield significant influence in conferring risk in travel. In air travel, extreme weather conditions, like thunderstorms or icing conditions, may pose severe challenges. Birdstrikes, although rare, also create risky scenarios. On the other hand, while operating vehicles, factors such as poor road conditions, adverse weather, or heavy traffic, create risky environments. Understanding these challenges allows for better preparation and decision-making during journey planning.

Safety Measures and Regulations

Safety measures and governmental regulations play a substantial role in ensuring the safety of both air and car travel. It’s noteworthy that air travel has some of the strictest safety guidelines and policies, overseen by bodies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), among others.

Their regulations are extensive, encompassing a wide range of safety aspects, from pilot training and certification, and aircraft maintenance, to the operation of the aircraft under varying weather conditions.

A crucial principle in aviation safety lies in its preventive nature. Air travel operates on a “safety case” model where the operator must demonstrably satisfy regulatory bodies that any risks are as low as reasonably practicable. Robust checks and balances implemented by the aviation industry, supported by mandatory reporting of any incident, irrespective of how trivial it seems, provide meticulous learning grounds that ensure continuous safety improvement.

The time-tested training of pilots is a sterling example of safety regulation. Their rigorous training, combining classroom-based learning, simulator lessons, and hands-on flying, guarantees high skill and readiness for any potential scenario. Additionally, airline pilots undergo regular health checks and aptitude tests to ensure mental and physical fitness, making sure that the crew in the cockpit of every flight is fit to carry out their duties.

On the contrary, car travel is governed more by state and federal laws and is thus subject to variation. The safety laws typically address speed limits, impaired driving, seatbelt usage and enforcement, and child passenger safety. As compared to the aviation sector, automotive safety seems less rigid and more reactionary.

An element that sets apart car travel safety regulations is that they predominantly target the driver rather than the vehicle – laws about drink-driving, speeding, and distraction while driving. Therefore, the onus of safety lies directly on the driver and their behavior. In comparison, aviation safety measures take a more holistic approach, looking at both the operator (pilot) and the operational environment (aircraft and airspace system).

Intriguingly, it is noteworthy that the human factor, despite becoming less significant with the rise of automation in both cars and airplanes, still plays a crucial role in safety. While technology can mitigate certain risks, unexpected circumstances would require human decision-making to step in.

Air and car travel safety is comparatively different, with air travel being much safer statistically, mainly due to its robust safety policies and regulations. However, inherent differences between these two modes of transport and the frequency of usage render this comparison slightly skewed.

Globally, governmental bodies dealing with transport safety are constantly striving to adapt to new technological advancements in both air and car travel. By conducting frequent reviews and implementing corrective and preventive measures, we can expect further improvements in travel safety. The goal is simple – to ensure every journey concludes safely, whether in the air or on the road.

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Suman Karki
Suman Karki is the founder of the AviaTech Channel blog and YouTube Channel. He is a passionate aviation enthusiast and holds experience working as a Ground Operations Officer for Swissport International. He is currently serving as a Flight Data Feeder for FlightAware (a US-based company for Flight Tracking). Besides, he has worked as an aviation content editor for various aviation media.